
Our Tailors



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequauis irure dolor.

Peter Masor,


Our tailors
Peter Mason
Master Tailor

Peter Mason

Duis quis augue diam. Suspendisse in vulputate ante. Aenean vulputate eros nisl, in fringilla massa pretium a. Nulla auctor urna sit amet tortor vestibulum fringilla. Sed posuere lorem id lacus facilisis, sed mattis dolor dignissim. Cras nec tempus lacus, vitae finibus tortor. Quisque rhoncus dui nec metus tempus commodo. Praesent id pulvinar mi, ac dictum ipsum. Fusce sem felis, vehicula…

Polly Wire

Polly Wire

Duis quis augue diam. Suspendisse in vulputate ante. Aenean vulputate eros nisl, in fringilla massa pretium a. Nulla auctor urna sit amet tortor vestibulum fringilla. Sed posuere lorem id lacus facilisis, sed mattis dolor dignissim. Cras nec tempus lacus, vitae finibus tortor. Quisque rhoncus dui nec metus tempus commodo. Praesent id pulvinar mi, ac dictum ipsum. Fusce sem felis, vehicula…

Rebecca Ogle

Rebecca Ogle

Duis quis augue diam. Suspendisse in vulputate ante. Aenean vulputate eros nisl, in fringilla massa pretium a. Nulla auctor urna sit amet tortor vestibulum fringilla. Sed posuere lorem id lacus facilisis, sed mattis dolor dignissim. Cras nec tempus lacus, vitae finibus tortor. Quisque rhoncus dui nec metus tempus commodo. Praesent id pulvinar mi, ac dictum ipsum. Fusce sem felis, vehicula…


Trying my suit on for the first time was a really special moment. How it felt to wear and how it made me feel was amazing. Thank you so much for my wedding suit. Very enjoyable experience. On the big day the suits looked great and we had many positive comments.

Peter Hobden

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I received the suit this week and I love it. It’s been beautifully made and every detail is perfect. Please pass on my appreciation to the tailor and the team that made it. Thank you guys, you are the best. I will recommend you.

Richard Romero

This is by far the best suit I ’ve owned, and I’ve owned custom made suits before. The suit from Peter Mason fit like a glove. So did the shirt I ordered. I recommend booking an appointment to get measured properly and to choose your own fabric. You are the best!

Frankie Morales

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